News - BOS Australia


The AGM will be held on Monday 15th October at 6.00pm at: The RAN Sailing Club, Sir David Martin Reserve/1C New Beach Rd, Darling Point NSW 2027   Members are invited to attend and also participate... View Article

We’re recruiting!

August 2016
Utilise your Fundraising Management experience to develop and implement the BOSA Fundraising Strategy and programs relating to orangutan adoptions, individual and major donors as well as grants & philanthropic foundations.

Yvonne Levenston Solo Exhibition

October 2015
You're invited to Yvonne Levenston's Solo Exhibition in St Leonards, Sydney. Opening Night: Wednesday 21st October (exhibition runs upto 31st October), 10% sales donated to BOS with Guest Speaker, BOSA Vice President, Lou Grossfeldt. 

Visit Samboja with Lou Grossfeldt

19th December2015
Join our VP Lou Grossfeldt and Primate Keeper, Janet Lackey, who will both be in Borneo at the Samboja Lestari Lodge from 10th to the 24th of February 2016 working on the ongoing behavioural enrichment project for the non releasable Orangutans.

It’s Summer Ginge ’15 time

GINGERary and Summer Ginge '15 is back on 27th February! Its organiser, R.A.N.G.A. (Red and Nearly Ginger Association) exists to represent the interests of ginger primates everywhere and over the years has raised money for one particularly special group, the orangutans.

Congratulations to Teisha

Congratulations to Teisha and thankyou to your wedding guests for their generosity October 2014 BOS Australia is delighted to congratulate Teisha and Darren on their recent marriage Teisha is one of BOSA ambassadors. She is founder... View Article

Enrich me please!

1 June 2014
Enrichment is a vital part of a fulfilling and stimulating life for a captive orangutan. It is essential not only for unreleasable orangutans, but those preparing to return to the wild. Help us to enrich and nurture the lives of the orangutans who are unable to be returned to the wild.


11 April 2014
The much publicised security breach Heartbleed does not affect our web site as we use a different encryption method. We have been assured by our providers that your credit card and personal details are safe on our site. There is no need to change your user name and password. Paypal is also unaffected.

Lone Media Interviews

30th April 2014
Catch up with Lone's Media interviews during and subsequent to her March Lecture Series. Including her ABC Radio National interview with Richard Aedy.