Togar (Mister cigar)
Togar (Mister cigar)
A little about Togar (Mister cigar)
Togar was confiscated in Pontianak in West Kalimantan and arrived at Nyaru Menteng in November 2001. He was approximately 2 years old, skinny and longlimbed. His hair would be a hairdressers nightmare, thin, fringy, scares and short. He weighed in at 5,75 kg. He was not exactly friendly and would nip our skin if he did not want us to touch him. But he would still sit in our hammocks rather than spend time in the trees or on the ground. Togar has never been 100% healthy since his arrival. He had malaria in the end of November and suffers from chronic diarrhea and digestive problems. None of our normally used herbal remedies has any effect and we can only wait for it to cure it self, as we have had to do with so any others. He is a little old man with is own opinions and set ways, but with a great sence of humour… when it suits him. He picks out one babysitter every day and makes her his favorite for the day… while the others gets a cold shoulder. He doesn’t climb higher than 1-2 meter and normally not for long. Over the last couple of weeks he has started to wrestle, gently with some of his small friends… but only when it suits him of course.