Heartbreaking Rescue

Earlier today, Thursday, February 15, 2018, a team from BOSF Samboja Lestari retrieved an individual female orangutan aged around 5 years old from BKSDA East Kalimantan Office. The young orangutan we named Riana was confiscated from a Bontang resident who has been keeping her for 4 years. When observed by BOSF medical team Samboja Lestari, Riana showed a rather friendly attitude.
Dr. Ir. Jamartin Sihite, MSc., CEO of the BOS Foundation said, “Taking a look back at several cases of orangutan killings throughout last month, both in South Barito, Central Kalimantan and East Kutai, East Kalimantan, plus today’s rescue, we have to acknowledge the fact that orangutan habitat is currently at a critical point. The critical habitat condition causes them to roam in the same area as humans, and they always get to be the victim. 
We must realize that forest brings humans huge benefits. However, these benefits will be exhausted if we eventually cut down all the trees. Orangutans as one of the most effective seed-dispersing species, which also protected by Law, help us preserve forest while also safeguard biodiversity. So, as long as we need the forest to provide us clean water, clean air, or regulate climate, we should all start working together to conserve forest and its biodiversity including orangutans, to improve our quality of life. By clearing the forest and killing everything in it, we are slowly killing ourselves.” 

How Can You Help

There are lots of ways you can support orangutans and help ensure the survival of this precious ape.

Adopt an Orangutan

Adopt an Orangutan

Orangutans are endangered and at risk of extinction. Habitat destruction results in hundreds of orphaned orangutans, who rely on our care every year. You can help by adopting one. Their dedicated ‘nannies’ teach them everything they need to know for when it’s time to release them back to the wild. You can follow their progress on Orangutan Jungle School available to stream on YouTube

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Make a Donation

Make a Donation

Please help the Orangutans in their struggle for survival. Your donation is important and goes directly to BOS Indonesia. By donating, you are helping bring this noble yet endangered species back from the brink of extinction and on a path to freedom - from rescue to rehabilitation and release.

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The perfect gift for any occasion! Choose from our selection of instant gifts that directly support our orangutans. You can buy a wheelbarrow, provide food for an orangutan for two months or lots more. You will receive a certificate, personalised with the name of your choice - perfect gift for you or a friend.

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