Rescue Mission a Success: 11 Orangutans Translocated from Mangkutub

At the end of February, a joint team from the Central Kalimantan BKSDA and the BOS Foundation embarked on an orangutan rescue mission to save a group of orangutans stranded along the banks of the Mangkutub River in Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan. This mission successfully translocated 11 orangutans to a safer area.

The rescue mission was necessary because the area around Mangkutub was no longer capable of sustaining the remaining orangutan population found there. The area had suffered major damage from the massive forest fires of 2015, with illegal logging activities adding to the ongoing loss of habitat. The rescue mission was carried out from February 21 – March 1, and involved the evacuation of 11 individuals ranging in age from 2 – 25 years, including two mother-infant pairs.

Heavy wet-season rainfall had flooded the Mangkutub River and driven the orangutans from the river banks, which made the rescue team’s job even more challenging.

Bagantung, which is located within the working area of the BOSF Mawas Conservation Program, was chosen as the translocation zone for the 11 rescued orangutans.

This area is part of a conservation forest; is deemed safe from illegal logging activities; and contains adequate, natural food sources for orangutans. On February 25, the Head of Kapuas Police, AKBP Jukiman Situmorang, joined the orangutan rescue mission On February 25, the Kapuas Deputy Regent, Muhajirin, also joined the orangutan rescue mission.

The BOS Foundation would like to thank those who donated through our online fundraising campaign to help finance this rescue mission. The BOS Foundation would also like to urge all relevant parties to immediately stop those practices that can lead to forest fires and habitat destruction.

Text by: BOS Foundation Communications Team HQ Photo by : Indrayana, Coordinator for BOSF NM Documentation & Adoption Photo

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