Our Achievements
Our achievements 2015-16
Principal activities
Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Australia Incorporated (“BOS Australia”) contributes to the conservation and protection of orangutans and their habitat by fundraising and increasing awareness. It does so by funding, supporting, and assisting with the activities undertaken by the Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation (“BOS Indonesia”) domiciled in Bogor, Indonesia for the protection, preservation and survival of orangutans. The principal activities remained unchanged during the year.
Review of Operations
The year has focussed on more releases. So far we have helped fund the release of 222 Orangutans back in the wild. The programme has been a great success and we continue to focus on releases as our first priority. Land purchase and restoration has also been a major focus for the year.
We still have over 500 Orangutans in our care. That includes over 200 who have been designated as unreleasable for various health reasons. Another of our priorities is enrichment of these Orangutans lives so they can be as comfortable as possible.
Our VP Lou Grossfeldt has been active in this area and has travelled to Borneo with Australian volunteers to provide hands on assistance. We have also sent Australian volunteers to help build facilities for these Orangutans.
The funding for the release program, the enrichment programme and other financial support sent to BOS Indonesia was raised through your donations, orangutan adoptions, merchandise sales and other fundraising events and efforts organised by volunteer groups and the committee. To our donors, volunteers and our committee we extend our sincere gratitude.
Subsequent events
There has not been any matter or circumstance occurring subsequent to the end of the financial year that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect, the operations of BOS Australia.
Future Developments
A report on your new committee’s action plan for 2016-2017 will be presented at the AGM and sent to all members.
Tony Gilding
BOS Australia
30th September 2016